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MAKE MORE MONEY! Mobile Spray Tan Business!


My Tips for Making More Money with Mobile Spray Tan Services. I am a big believer in working smarter not HARDER! So lets find ways that we can market our business to a bigger audience and service more clients in one place!


Bridal Parties: No brainer that these are going to be a KEY part of your mobile business, but how do you find them? Check out other local wedding vendors IG pages, they are all there, they are following those pages. Request them and start posting all about your Bridal packages and offers!!


MLM groups: Yup you know them! You know the leaders, cause they are the ones posting the most about their business opportunities. Reach out to them and offer a way to gather their teams and have fun!


Residencies: Work with local business to have a STANDING event. Maybe it's every other week or 1x a month. Local boutiques, gyms, strip clubs, anywhere where you can service multiple clients in one space! They will promote you and you can get more exposure to your business!


What do you think of these ideas? Leave me a comment!


Watch my newest YouTube video to get all the details!!


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